The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)
I have subscribed you to The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP). You will eventually have access to all three programs: Connect, Core, and Balance. Generally, I start clients on the Core program for home use as this is the program I use in sessions with clients. The Core was the original program and is the most therapeutic.
The soundtracks/playlists are Classical Flow, Original (formerly Adult), Wonder (formerly Children), and the recently added Freely, Groove, and Groove Instrumental soundtracks. All the soundtracks have the same therapeutic frequencies, so you may choose any music you prefer and mix and match as you please.
You will receive an email from inviting you to download the Unyte-iLs app to access the SSP programs. You can access the app on your phone or tablet using Apple or Android devices. Accessing from a computer is not yet available. You’ll have access to the subscription through my business at no charge for a month. Please contact me to discuss options if you would like to continue accessing the SSP after a month.
The SSP was developed by neurologist Dr. Stephen Porges to improve state regulation, social engagement, and attunement. It assists with being in the present moment and accurately assessing safety. Dr. Porges collaborated with Dr. Ron Minson at Integrated Listening Systems/Unyte iLS to train practitioners and create the SSP platform, which allows you to access the SSP programs. More information is available at and
Integrated Listening Systems currently offers three SSP programs to facilitate nervous system regulation and co-regulation. All are five one-hour tracks listened to in sequence, at least for the first time through.
The first program is the SSP Connect, which has five tracks of lightly filtered music in one-hour tracks. It is a calming introductory program that “warms up” and attunes the autonomic nervous system in preparation for the other SSP programs. It can be listened to ambient without headphones to calm and settle, and it is a good option for clients who cannot tolerate wearing the headphones. Clients report appreciating the SSP Connect tracks playing in the background while they eat with their family or helping their children with homework. It is a good program for couples to listen to while resting together to attune and bond their nervous systems. Animals appear to respond to it, so lying and resting with your pet while listening is another way to coregulate.
The second program is the SSP Core. It offers the original frequencies developed by Dr. Porges. The Core stimulates and “wakes up” the nervous system and is the most potent of the three programs. It builds capacity and reduces sensitivity to facilitate more resilient physiological states. Generally, in sessions with me, I will take you through the first half of each SSP Core track and instruct you to listen to the second half at home.
The third program is the SSP Balance, which “calms and grounds” the nervous system. Previously called SSP Lite, it was developed to integrate and stabilize the benefits of the SSP. I offer this program to clients to listen to at home once they have gone through the SSP Core in person with me to integrate the SSP series as it is the most integrative and gentle of the three programs.
The SSP is designed to be listened to with over-the-ear headphones that are not noise-canceling. Earbuds and noise-canceling headphones are specifically not recommended. The specific frequencies embedded in the music do the therapeutic intervention rather than the music itself. The therapy will be effective as long as you can hear the soundtrack.
Integrated Listening Systems sells headphones designed for the SSP programs for 69.00. To purchase them, please go to the Store link on their website, ILS also approves the Sony ZX Series Wired On-Ear Headphones (MDR-ZX110), available at Target or Amazon for around 20.00:
The recommendation is to rest quietly and be attentive while you listen. You can also do a watercolor or go for a leisurely walk while you listen to mobilize gently, especially if you feel restless. Listening while in a savasana pose after a yoga session is especially appropriate. Vigorous activity is not recommended. The program accesses the Rest/Digest/Relate state in the autonomic nervous system and invites a state shift into appropriate attunement while at ease. Please only listen to the programs and tracks I have recommended, and only listen for up to one hour daily, as it can be fatiguing. “Less Is More” when working with the nervous system, as the brain cannot integrate experiences well when fatigued.
One side effect of listening is it can make people sleepy, so please do not drive while listening to the soundtracks. It is also recommended not to drive or engage in any challenging activities for a while after your listening session. The SSP can also make people agitated, so I recommend using it when you have time without demanding obligations immediately after your listening session.
Please contact me for support and if you have any questions. 970-631-8888,